Safe HaskellNone


Orphan instances

Ord BqStructExpr # 
Instance details

Ord ScalarExpr # 
Instance details

Ord Name # 
Instance details


compare :: Name -> Name -> Ordering #

(<) :: Name -> Name -> Bool #

(<=) :: Name -> Name -> Bool #

(>) :: Name -> Name -> Bool #

(>=) :: Name -> Name -> Bool #

max :: Name -> Name -> Name #

min :: Name -> Name -> Name #

Ord CastSafe # 
Instance details

Ord TypeName # 
Instance details

Ord AnonymousStruct # 
Instance details

Ord IntervalTypeField # 
Instance details

Ord Sign # 
Instance details


compare :: Sign -> Sign -> Ordering #

(<) :: Sign -> Sign -> Bool #

(<=) :: Sign -> Sign -> Bool #

(>) :: Sign -> Sign -> Bool #

(>=) :: Sign -> Sign -> Bool #

max :: Sign -> Sign -> Sign #

min :: Sign -> Sign -> Sign #

Ord PrecMultiplier # 
Instance details

Ord PrecUnits # 
Instance details

Ord InPredValue # 
Instance details

Ord SubQueryExprType # 
Instance details

Ord CompPredQuantifier # 
Instance details

Ord SortSpec # 
Instance details

Ord NullsOrder # 
Instance details

Ord NullsRespect # 
Instance details

Ord Frame # 
Instance details


compare :: Frame -> Frame -> Ordering #

(<) :: Frame -> Frame -> Bool #

(<=) :: Frame -> Frame -> Bool #

(>) :: Frame -> Frame -> Bool #

(>=) :: Frame -> Frame -> Bool #

max :: Frame -> Frame -> Frame #

min :: Frame -> Frame -> Frame #

Ord FrameRows # 
Instance details

Ord FramePos # 
Instance details

Ord OdbcLiteralType # 
Instance details

Ord QueryExpr # 
Instance details

Ord SetQuantifier # 
Instance details

Ord AsStruct # 
Instance details

Ord Direction # 
Instance details

Ord SetOperatorName # 
Instance details

Ord Corresponding # 
Instance details

Ord GroupingExpr # 
Instance details

Ord TableRef # 
Instance details

Ord Alias # 
Instance details


compare :: Alias -> Alias -> Ordering #

(<) :: Alias -> Alias -> Bool #

(<=) :: Alias -> Alias -> Bool #

(>) :: Alias -> Alias -> Bool #

(>=) :: Alias -> Alias -> Bool #

max :: Alias -> Alias -> Alias #

min :: Alias -> Alias -> Alias #

Ord JoinType # 
Instance details

Ord JoinCondition # 
Instance details

Ord Statement # 
Instance details

Ord DropBehaviour # 
Instance details

Ord IdentityRestart # 
Instance details

Ord InsertSource # 
Instance details

Ord SetClause # 
Instance details

Ord TableElement # 
Instance details

Ord ColumnDef # 
Instance details

Ord ColConstraintDef # 
Instance details

Ord ColConstraint # 
Instance details

Ord TableConstraint # 
Instance details

Ord ReferenceMatch # 
Instance details

Ord ReferentialAction # 
Instance details

Ord AlterTableAction # 
Instance details

Ord DefaultClause # 
Instance details

Ord IdentityWhen # 
Instance details

Ord SequenceGeneratorOption # 
Instance details

Ord CheckOption # 
Instance details

Ord AlterDomainAction # 
Instance details

Ord AdminOption # 
Instance details

Ord GrantOption # 
Instance details

Ord AdminOptionFor # 
Instance details

Ord GrantOptionFor # 
Instance details

Ord PrivilegeObject # 
Instance details

Ord PrivilegeAction # 
Instance details

Ord Comment # 
Instance details

Generic BqStructExpr # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type Rep BqStructExpr :: Type -> Type #

Generic ScalarExpr # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type Rep ScalarExpr :: Type -> Type #

Generic Name # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type Rep Name :: Type -> Type #


from :: Name -> Rep Name x #

to :: Rep Name x -> Name #

Generic CastSafe # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type Rep CastSafe :: Type -> Type #


from :: CastSafe -> Rep CastSafe x #

to :: Rep CastSafe x -> CastSafe #

Generic TypeName # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type Rep TypeName :: Type -> Type #


from :: TypeName -> Rep TypeName x #

to :: Rep TypeName x -> TypeName #

Generic AnonymousStruct # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type Rep AnonymousStruct :: Type -> Type #

Generic IntervalTypeField # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type Rep IntervalTypeField :: Type -> Type #

Generic Sign # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type Rep Sign :: Type -> Type #


from :: Sign -> Rep Sign x #

to :: Rep Sign x -> Sign #

Generic PrecMultiplier # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type Rep PrecMultiplier :: Type -> Type #

Generic PrecUnits # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type Rep PrecUnits :: Type -> Type #

Generic InPredValue # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type Rep InPredValue :: Type -> Type #

Generic SubQueryExprType # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type Rep SubQueryExprType :: Type -> Type #

Generic CompPredQuantifier # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type Rep CompPredQuantifier :: Type -> Type #

Generic SortSpec # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type Rep SortSpec :: Type -> Type #


from :: SortSpec -> Rep SortSpec x #

to :: Rep SortSpec x -> SortSpec #

Generic NullsOrder # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type Rep NullsOrder :: Type -> Type #

Generic NullsRespect # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type Rep NullsRespect :: Type -> Type #

Generic Frame # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type Rep Frame :: Type -> Type #


from :: Frame -> Rep Frame x #

to :: Rep Frame x -> Frame #

Generic FrameRows # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type Rep FrameRows :: Type -> Type #

Generic FramePos # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type Rep FramePos :: Type -> Type #


from :: FramePos -> Rep FramePos x #

to :: Rep FramePos x -> FramePos #

Generic OdbcLiteralType # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type Rep OdbcLiteralType :: Type -> Type #

Generic QueryExpr # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type Rep QueryExpr :: Type -> Type #

Generic SetQuantifier # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type Rep SetQuantifier :: Type -> Type #

Generic AsStruct # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type Rep AsStruct :: Type -> Type #


from :: AsStruct -> Rep AsStruct x #

to :: Rep AsStruct x -> AsStruct #

Generic Direction # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type Rep Direction :: Type -> Type #

Generic SetOperatorName # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type Rep SetOperatorName :: Type -> Type #

Generic Corresponding # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type Rep Corresponding :: Type -> Type #

Generic GroupingExpr # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type Rep GroupingExpr :: Type -> Type #

Generic TableRef # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type Rep TableRef :: Type -> Type #


from :: TableRef -> Rep TableRef x #

to :: Rep TableRef x -> TableRef #

Generic Alias # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type Rep Alias :: Type -> Type #


from :: Alias -> Rep Alias x #

to :: Rep Alias x -> Alias #

Generic JoinType # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type Rep JoinType :: Type -> Type #


from :: JoinType -> Rep JoinType x #

to :: Rep JoinType x -> JoinType #

Generic JoinCondition # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type Rep JoinCondition :: Type -> Type #

Generic Statement # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type Rep Statement :: Type -> Type #

Generic DropBehaviour # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type Rep DropBehaviour :: Type -> Type #

Generic IdentityRestart # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type Rep IdentityRestart :: Type -> Type #

Generic InsertSource # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type Rep InsertSource :: Type -> Type #

Generic SetClause # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type Rep SetClause :: Type -> Type #

Generic TableElement # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type Rep TableElement :: Type -> Type #

Generic ColumnDef # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type Rep ColumnDef :: Type -> Type #

Generic ColConstraintDef # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type Rep ColConstraintDef :: Type -> Type #

Generic ColConstraint # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type Rep ColConstraint :: Type -> Type #

Generic TableConstraint # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type Rep TableConstraint :: Type -> Type #

Generic ReferenceMatch # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type Rep ReferenceMatch :: Type -> Type #

Generic ReferentialAction # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type Rep ReferentialAction :: Type -> Type #

Generic AlterTableAction # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type Rep AlterTableAction :: Type -> Type #

Generic DefaultClause # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type Rep DefaultClause :: Type -> Type #

Generic IdentityWhen # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type Rep IdentityWhen :: Type -> Type #

Generic SequenceGeneratorOption # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type Rep SequenceGeneratorOption :: Type -> Type #

Generic CheckOption # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type Rep CheckOption :: Type -> Type #

Generic AlterDomainAction # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type Rep AlterDomainAction :: Type -> Type #

Generic AdminOption # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type Rep AdminOption :: Type -> Type #

Generic GrantOption # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type Rep GrantOption :: Type -> Type #

Generic AdminOptionFor # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type Rep AdminOptionFor :: Type -> Type #

Generic GrantOptionFor # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type Rep GrantOptionFor :: Type -> Type #

Generic PrivilegeObject # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type Rep PrivilegeObject :: Type -> Type #

Generic PrivilegeAction # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type Rep PrivilegeAction :: Type -> Type #

Generic Comment # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type Rep Comment :: Type -> Type #


from :: Comment -> Rep Comment x #

to :: Rep Comment x -> Comment #

NFData BqStructExpr # 
Instance details


rnf :: BqStructExpr -> () #

NFData ScalarExpr # 
Instance details


rnf :: ScalarExpr -> () #

NFData Name # 
Instance details


rnf :: Name -> () #

NFData CastSafe # 
Instance details


rnf :: CastSafe -> () #

NFData TypeName # 
Instance details


rnf :: TypeName -> () #

NFData AnonymousStruct # 
Instance details


rnf :: AnonymousStruct -> () #

NFData IntervalTypeField # 
Instance details


rnf :: IntervalTypeField -> () #

NFData Sign # 
Instance details


rnf :: Sign -> () #

NFData PrecMultiplier # 
Instance details


rnf :: PrecMultiplier -> () #

NFData PrecUnits # 
Instance details


rnf :: PrecUnits -> () #

NFData InPredValue # 
Instance details


rnf :: InPredValue -> () #

NFData SubQueryExprType # 
Instance details


rnf :: SubQueryExprType -> () #

NFData CompPredQuantifier # 
Instance details


rnf :: CompPredQuantifier -> () #

NFData SortSpec # 
Instance details


rnf :: SortSpec -> () #

NFData NullsOrder # 
Instance details


rnf :: NullsOrder -> () #

NFData NullsRespect # 
Instance details


rnf :: NullsRespect -> () #

NFData Frame # 
Instance details


rnf :: Frame -> () #

NFData FrameRows # 
Instance details


rnf :: FrameRows -> () #

NFData FramePos # 
Instance details


rnf :: FramePos -> () #

NFData OdbcLiteralType # 
Instance details


rnf :: OdbcLiteralType -> () #

NFData QueryExpr # 
Instance details


rnf :: QueryExpr -> () #

NFData SetQuantifier # 
Instance details


rnf :: SetQuantifier -> () #

NFData AsStruct # 
Instance details


rnf :: AsStruct -> () #

NFData Direction # 
Instance details


rnf :: Direction -> () #

NFData SetOperatorName # 
Instance details


rnf :: SetOperatorName -> () #

NFData Corresponding # 
Instance details


rnf :: Corresponding -> () #

NFData GroupingExpr # 
Instance details


rnf :: GroupingExpr -> () #

NFData TableRef # 
Instance details


rnf :: TableRef -> () #

NFData Alias # 
Instance details


rnf :: Alias -> () #

NFData JoinType # 
Instance details


rnf :: JoinType -> () #

NFData JoinCondition # 
Instance details


rnf :: JoinCondition -> () #

NFData Statement # 
Instance details


rnf :: Statement -> () #

NFData DropBehaviour # 
Instance details


rnf :: DropBehaviour -> () #

NFData IdentityRestart # 
Instance details


rnf :: IdentityRestart -> () #

NFData InsertSource # 
Instance details


rnf :: InsertSource -> () #

NFData SetClause # 
Instance details


rnf :: SetClause -> () #

NFData TableElement # 
Instance details


rnf :: TableElement -> () #

NFData ColumnDef # 
Instance details


rnf :: ColumnDef -> () #

NFData ColConstraintDef # 
Instance details


rnf :: ColConstraintDef -> () #

NFData ColConstraint # 
Instance details


rnf :: ColConstraint -> () #

NFData TableConstraint # 
Instance details


rnf :: TableConstraint -> () #

NFData ReferenceMatch # 
Instance details


rnf :: ReferenceMatch -> () #

NFData ReferentialAction # 
Instance details


rnf :: ReferentialAction -> () #

NFData AlterTableAction # 
Instance details


rnf :: AlterTableAction -> () #

NFData DefaultClause # 
Instance details


rnf :: DefaultClause -> () #

NFData IdentityWhen # 
Instance details


rnf :: IdentityWhen -> () #

NFData SequenceGeneratorOption # 
Instance details


rnf :: SequenceGeneratorOption -> () #

NFData CheckOption # 
Instance details


rnf :: CheckOption -> () #

NFData AlterDomainAction # 
Instance details


rnf :: AlterDomainAction -> () #

NFData AdminOption # 
Instance details


rnf :: AdminOption -> () #

NFData GrantOption # 
Instance details


rnf :: GrantOption -> () #

NFData AdminOptionFor # 
Instance details


rnf :: AdminOptionFor -> () #

NFData GrantOptionFor # 
Instance details


rnf :: GrantOptionFor -> () #

NFData PrivilegeObject # 
Instance details


rnf :: PrivilegeObject -> () #

NFData PrivilegeAction # 
Instance details


rnf :: PrivilegeAction -> () #

NFData Comment # 
Instance details


rnf :: Comment -> () #

Lift BqStructExpr # 
Instance details

Lift ScalarExpr # 
Instance details

Lift Name # 
Instance details


lift :: Name -> Q Exp #

liftTyped :: Name -> Q (TExp Name) #

Lift CastSafe # 
Instance details

Lift TypeName # 
Instance details

Lift AnonymousStruct # 
Instance details

Lift IntervalTypeField # 
Instance details

Lift Sign # 
Instance details


lift :: Sign -> Q Exp #

liftTyped :: Sign -> Q (TExp Sign) #

Lift PrecMultiplier # 
Instance details

Lift PrecUnits # 
Instance details

Lift InPredValue # 
Instance details

Lift SubQueryExprType # 
Instance details

Lift CompPredQuantifier # 
Instance details

Lift SortSpec # 
Instance details

Lift NullsOrder # 
Instance details

Lift NullsRespect # 
Instance details

Lift Frame # 
Instance details


lift :: Frame -> Q Exp #

liftTyped :: Frame -> Q (TExp Frame) #

Lift FrameRows # 
Instance details

Lift FramePos # 
Instance details

Lift OdbcLiteralType # 
Instance details

Lift QueryExpr # 
Instance details

Lift SetQuantifier # 
Instance details

Lift AsStruct # 
Instance details

Lift Direction # 
Instance details

Lift SetOperatorName # 
Instance details

Lift Corresponding # 
Instance details

Lift GroupingExpr # 
Instance details

Lift TableRef # 
Instance details

Lift Alias # 
Instance details


lift :: Alias -> Q Exp #

liftTyped :: Alias -> Q (TExp Alias) #

Lift JoinType # 
Instance details

Lift JoinCondition # 
Instance details

Lift Statement # 
Instance details

Lift DropBehaviour # 
Instance details

Lift IdentityRestart # 
Instance details

Lift InsertSource # 
Instance details

Lift SetClause # 
Instance details

Lift TableElement # 
Instance details

Lift ColumnDef # 
Instance details

Lift ColConstraintDef # 
Instance details

Lift ColConstraint # 
Instance details

Lift TableConstraint # 
Instance details

Lift ReferenceMatch # 
Instance details

Lift ReferentialAction # 
Instance details

Lift AlterTableAction # 
Instance details

Lift DefaultClause # 
Instance details

Lift IdentityWhen # 
Instance details

Lift SequenceGeneratorOption # 
Instance details

Lift CheckOption # 
Instance details

Lift AlterDomainAction # 
Instance details

Lift AdminOption # 
Instance details

Lift GrantOption # 
Instance details

Lift AdminOptionFor # 
Instance details

Lift GrantOptionFor # 
Instance details

Lift PrivilegeObject # 
Instance details

Lift PrivilegeAction # 
Instance details

Lift Comment # 
Instance details


lift :: Comment -> Q Exp #

liftTyped :: Comment -> Q (TExp Comment) #