Copyright(c) Soostone Inc 2020
Safe HaskellNone



This module should be seen as an interpreter that takes the YAML version of a spec and converts it to a proper, fully typed Spec value.

In a sense, it's also a bit of a typechecker: YAML versions are necessarily dynamically typed and there's the possibility of type mismatches.



loadYamlFile :: forall m a. MonadIO m => SpecFileWithOverrides -> (forall b. LoadYamlConstraint b => b -> YamlSpec b -> m a) -> m (Either NapkinError a) #

loadYamlFile' :: forall m a. (MonadError NapkinError m, MonadIO m) => SpecFileWithOverrides -> (forall b. LoadYamlConstraint b => b -> YamlSpec b -> m a) -> m a #

loadYamlBS :: forall m a. Monad m => ByteString -> (forall b. LoadYamlConstraint b => b -> YamlSpec b -> m a) -> m (Either Text a) #

loadYaml' :: forall m a. Monad m => Value -> Maybe Patch -> (forall b. LoadYamlConstraint b => b -> YamlSpec b -> m a) -> m (Either Text a) #

interpretYamlToSpecImpl :: forall bk. (ReifiesBackend bk, ToDbBackend bk, Typeable bk) => InterpreterInstance -> YamlSpec bk -> ExceptT HaskellEvaluationError (Spec bk) () #

The main entry point interpreting a given YAML spec file as a Spec value ready to run via executeSpec

This function is intended to unroll/interpet as much as possible to get the spec in its final state ready to be actually run.

interpretTable :: forall bk. (ReifiesBackend bk, ToDbBackend bk, Typeable bk) => InterpreterInstance -> Ref Table -> YamlTableSpec bk -> ExceptT HaskellEvaluationError (Spec bk) () #

Main entry point for fully interpreting a given table's entry in the YAML file.